
2022-05-30 15:41


鉴于目前中国内地及其它国家/地区出现由新型冠状病毒引发的肺炎疫情,「中国国际涂料展CHINACOAT」及「中国国际表面处理展SFCHINA」主办单位决定本届展览会的展台分配工作将暂延至3月开始。具体开始日期可能会进一步推迟,主要取决于疫情发展。因上述安排对参展商可能造成的不便,我们深表歉意。我们会密切留意疫情发展,并与您保持紧密沟通。请紧贴大会社交媒体平台、手机应用程式或官方网站以获取最新展览会信息。更多参展资料请浏览www.chinacoat.net 或 www.sfchina.net。

如阁下对此安排有任何疑问, 请联系您的客户经理或电邮 exhibition@new-expostar.com。




Postponement of CHINACOAT & SFCHINA2020 Booth Allocation Process

Dear Exhibitors,

Based on recent development of the novel coronavirus outbreak in P.R. China and other parts of the world, the Organizers of CHINACOAT and SFCHINA have decided to temporarily postpone our booth allocation process of the two exhibitions to March, 2020. The actual start date may be further postponed depending on how the outbreak event develops in coming weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We shall continue to monitor developments relating to the coronavirus and maintain close contact with you. Please stay connected with our official social media platforms, mobile app or websites for latest updates. Full exhibiting details can be found at:www.chinacoat.net and www.sfchina.net.

If you have any question regarding this special arrangement, please do not hesitate to contact your Customer Relationship Manager or email us at info@sinostar-intl.com.hk.

Thank you for your continuous support to CHINACOAT and SFCHINA series of exhibitions!

Your Faithfully,
The Organizers of CHINACOAT and SFCHINA
February 10th, 2020